13 - Terex IS-14B scraper in the late 70s remained at the prototype stage. Pict from the book of Eric Orleman 'Euclid and Terex : Earth-Moving Machines', MBI, 1997.

14 - Count Giovanni Bonmartini had already invented or improved the tire track (see article on pneumatic tracks). He also improved the classic track by taking a quite old idea he adapted on a Fiat farm tractor. Track shoes, mainly rubber, manufactured by Pirelli and fitted with transverse rollers, rolled, decreased friction in bends. The traction strength was increased on roads and hard surfaces. Very comfortable, fast, it did not damage roads. In side slopes, the wished non-parallelism of the rollers allowed not to slip.

15 - The Italian Camoscio around 1978 with a good suspension travel. Probably a unique model. http://www.markerink.org/WJM/HTML/main_4x4.htm

16 - Peter H. Matthews, Adelaide, South Africa, patented a light tracks system. He became associated with C. Norris & Son Ltd, Rushden, Northants and added tracks on a TD-6 all-wheel drive tractor.
Pict from the book of Richard H Robinson : ‘ Crawler Tractor Scrapbook’ Part Two, Country Life Ltd, New Zealand, 2001.

17 - Similarly, one might compare the previous system with the patent of the Russians Vinnik AF and MM whose goal was to reduce internal friction and increase the towing capacity. From http://mkb-mami.net.rubut page no more exists.

18 - The contest ‘'Toyota Olympic Ideas' gave each year to employees of Toyota means of achieving a dream related to locomotion. The ranking was public with the advertising requirements. In the early 2000s, Hirotoshi Hikota suggested this all-terrain vehicle for disabled with a front star wheel surrounded by a flexible strip for moving up or down stairs. From 'Book of Inventions'.

19 - Another competitor in 1991 won the first prize of the competition by proposing the 'Delta Beatle' triangular crawler with a mobile strip on each triangle. These latter could spin on themselves. Amazing ! From book of Anne-Valérie Giscard d'Estaing 'Book of Inventions' around 1990.

20 - David Hansen responded to a call for tenders from the U.S. Marine Corp for an off-road vehicle for marginal lands that could be carried on the tilt rotor MV-22 Osprey. He created
Iguana Technologies, Ilwaco, Washington, embedding TSG in 2000. The Iguana (photo) was the result of 18 years of research. With a ground pressure of 0.07 kg/cm2 for a total mass of 2.5 tones, the propulsion system, very green, was protected by numerous patents. Both sides of the vehicle were connected by a positive pitch control hinge allowing the vehicle to cross a wall 1.2 m high. The 200 hp came from diesel engine, the same as the trading Hummer H1. In raising the front of the vehicle by controlling pitch, he could surf on the surface of water at 60 km / h using only its tracks. 2008 saw the end of the company and the vehicles were sold on the Internet. http://iguanatracked

21 - The Fast-Track prototype built by Fast Track Amphibian LLC, Hurst, Texas, is a 2007 prototype of amphibious vehicle whose main characteristic is the rapid propulsion in water (60 km / h) and land (90 km / h) only by its tracks. http://www.fasttrack

22 - The Twin Bogie of Kockums Industrier AB Söderhamn, Sweden, mid 80s, was tested in the mid-80s on a logging vehicle equipped with eight drive tracks whose balance suspension turned itself over the obstacle to help crossing. J M M collection.

23 - The Research Institute of Forest Products of Japan realized in 1995 the prototype of Tri-Trac-Mover able to easily cross the slopes strewn with obstacles. Equipped with many hydraulic cylinders and a diesel engine by tread, it could cross the barriers of 1.3 m and stay level on slopes of 28 degrees. http://www.ffpri.affrc.go.jp/labs/zoki/ttm/ttm-j1.html

24 - Martin track, invented by Edward Martin Comellas, consisted of a set of modules of duty rubber and shaped quadrilaterals sprockets. The whole share the load better and respected the land by the absence of spikes. A caterpillar of this type was tested on an F4-Dion in collaboration with the Canadian Institute of Engineering Forestry Research (FERIC) and University of Laval. The test report of December 1994 stipulated that the track too soft did not suit in the forest. http://www.foret

25 - M. G. Bekker realized this scaled articulated prototype in the 60s to test different modes of possible locomotion for a future lunar vehicle.