8x8 Wheel Steering Mobility Demonstrator of Renault, before VBCI 8X8 Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Archive J M M, X8A of Renault (346.62 Ko)
AEC Road Train 8x8, 1934. http://www.unusuallocomotion.com/pages/more-documentation/9-8x8-and-more-wheeled-rigid-vehicles-heavy.html, AEC Road Train 8x8 (166.31 Ko)
Büffel Titan-4 TR 60-650 8x8. 650 hp Mercedes Benz engine. Built by Hermann Bauch from Holzen near Reinstorf. 4WD and 4WS, crab walking. https://www.agrarheute.com/land-leben/schlepper-bueffel-titan-4-tr-60-650-v8-540094, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkW9pzcCM10, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHRNI0KGXaY
ETF 180 metric tons 8x8, from Slovenia. A 10x10 version is almost finished. http://www.etftrucks.eu/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tA9lG8WW0k, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUPaj5hi8KU
ETT Panhard, 1957. From newspaper : l'Argus, page 1, 20 October 1957.
ETT (Engin de Transport de Troupes) ETT Panhard, 1958. Rear wheels were no more steering. Central wheels were retractable. Only 28 units built for Portugal. Archives J M M. https://www.chars-francais.net/2015/index.php/liste-chronologique/de-1945-a-1990?task=view&id=1210ET
Hipopotam 8x8 amphibious vehicle from Poland. http://survincity.com/2013/08/oh-its-not-an-easy-job-behemoth-drag-out-of-the/
M656 8x8 US truck, built by Ford in 1968-69. From review 'Wild Mook' N° 27, 1975.
SPRAT, of CNIM, Quick Installation System for Working. https://cnim.com/activites/defense-securite-et-intelligence-numerique/pont-dassaut-modulaire-pta, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SPRAT,_le_14_juillet_2012_%C3%A0_Paris.JPG, Sprat of cnim (159.12 Ko)
Tank Transporter 8x6 Willème PRP T40A Tidelium Creusot-Loire Industries prototype with an AMX32. Ampliroll system (Bennes Marrel) was used to pull up the tank. Payload 40 t. Initially designed by Willème, in bankruptcy at the end of the 70s, the rights were later sold to Creuzot-Loire. Pict J M M at Saumur Museum on July 1998.
Hendrickson B Series, 'Big Henry' prime mover, Buffalo, NY, 8x4, 1964, 500 HP, 15% grade. It pulls on the picture a 1958 TALBERT 150 Ton low bed semi-trailer, owned by Higgins Erectors & Haulers, of Buffalo, NY. The brand, created in 1900, produced 300 vehicles a year in the 70s (crane carriers, airport ground support equipment, prime movers, motor home chassis, & fire trucks). Hendrickson was sold in 1985 and became HME, Hendrickson Mobile Equipment, in Illinois, producing fire trucks and truck components. About 21.000 custom trucks were built by the Company. https://www.flickr.com/photos/carhaul/4378333671, http://rollerman1.tumblr.com/post/139739014919/tandem-steer-all-wheel-drive-hendrickson-prime