Airoll XM 759, 1967. Seven built. This one stays indoor at the USMC Mechanized Museum at Camp Pendleton. This vehicle doesn't walk, crawl, screw, hop, but is fitted by a kind of tracks with rollers, very efficient in mud but probably less when crossing a vertical obstacle. PDF 712980 Airoll. http://www.hollilla.com/reader.php?action=thread&thread=4501725&offset=4470, http://phenix59.deviantart.com/art/XM759-M7V-02-261731407, http://phenix59.deviantart.com/art/XM759-M7V-03-261731713, http://www.unusuallocomotion.com/pages/locomotion/airoll-marginal-terrain-vehicle.html
Airoll XM 759, 1967. This vehicle was out door in the yard of ERDC in Vicksburg since about almost 50 years. It will now be preserved indoor : historian Terry Winschel power-washes the “Airoll,” one of the vehicle prototypes belonging to the Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Mississippi, where mobility tests have been conducted since the late 1960s. Many of the rare prototype vehicles Winschel is trying to preserve are so unusual, parts – like tires for an Airoll – are difficult to come by. (Photo by Mike W. Petersen). http://www.erdc.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Stories/Article/908640/saving-a-history-of-innovation-and-ingenuity/
Castor Lombardini with pneumatic tracks, 1961. During the first International Conference of ISTVS at Turin, Count Bonmartini presented a pneumatic tracked tractor, from his patent in 1949. http://www.os1.ru/article/4336-nami-s-3-nami-s-4-nami-0106-nami-szmu-pnevmogusenichnye-vezdehody-nami-ch-1/, http://www.unusuallocomotion.com/pages/locomotion/pneumatic-tracks.html
ET-8 Hurricane, 1962. Wide low pressure tires I-194 (Rolligon) were designed from 1958 in ex-USSR by NIISHP and Bauman Institute. ET-8 vehicle, of NAMI Institute, had a capacity of 8 t, ground pressure 0.4-0.9 kg/cm². Contact area of each wheel was about 1 m². Pressure could be adjusted from the cab. Mobility tests on swampy grounds were good and it was decided to compare it to tracked vehicles. In 1966, they were tested in Central Asia, in salt evaporation basin in Crimea, without damaging salt formation. Nevertheless, it didn't entered production. http://www.os1.ru/article/2334-nami-et-8/
ET-8 Hurricane. http://www.os1.ru/article/2334-nami-et-8/
Terrastar of Lockheed, late 60s. This extraordinary prototype of off-road vehicle using Tri-Star wheels with minor and major wheels, was staying outdoor for 60 year at ERDC (US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi). Historian Terry Winschel is trying to save as part of Army history: “All these vehicles tell the stories of the creative, innovative responses to the challenges of their times” he said. After restoration, these vehicles, more than 20 different prototypes, whose the astonishing 'Airoll', will be stored under a roof to keep the memory of the American innovation in mobility, particularly at ERDC, which was on today's agenda in the 60s and 70s, besides Lunar rovers. http://www.erdc.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Stories/Article/908640/saving-a-history-of-innovation-and-ingenuity/
Famous Albee Rolligon Truck. http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.polyvore.com%2Fcgi%2Fimg-thing%3F.out%3Djpg%26size%3Dl%26tid%3D34348513&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.polyvore.com%2Falbee_rolligon%
Lego Mindstorms Flexible Track Vehicle. Many patents were filed at the beginning of tracks early 20th century for steering tracked vehicles by curved tracks. Nevertheless, it was supplanted by conventional steering. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghpPFbpqEaw, http://www.unusuallocomotion.com/pages/more-documentation/special-off-road-vehicles.html#page3